October 22, 2024

About me

I never was particularly fond to talk about myself, anyway, here I write just a few words by way of brief presentation (I’ll try to make it short)

I started tuning pianos when I was still a lad. What at first was just a hobby to satisfy my curiosity (without having a clear idea of what to do) unintentionally soon became a paid part time job. Thus began a career as a piano tuner that has just lasted over 30 years.

At the age of twenty I moved to England where I deepen my knowledge as a musician and piano tuner working and learning from experience senior piano technicians (my deepest gratitude to those who kindly shared their knowledge with me) After a training period that lasted about seven years, I decided to move back to Spain mainland (my home country) and start my own piano tuning business.

I set business in Southern Spain (nice place by the way, in case you care to visit us) and nowadays my clientele ranges from individual piano owners to music schools, piano retailers, recording and tv studios, concert halls, large recreational cruises, etcetera.

Currently I distribute my time between my job as a piano technician and the teaching and introduction of modern piano tuning technique to anybody interested in this fascinating topic, whether pro or amateur. To make piano tuning, repair and regulation accessible to most people, recently I have published two practical and innovative methods “How to tune a piano” and “How to repair a piano”, both ebooks available and downloadable from this website.

After all these years working as a piano tuner, I still feel passionate about pianos, the king of musical instruments and one of the most perfect machines mankind has ever created. But above all, I consider myself lucky, very fortunate to do a job that I love and that has allowed me to travel and meet so many nice and interesting people. Long life the piano!

Juan Olalla

© copyright Juan Olalla 2021  All rights reserved   www.howtotuneapiano.com


  1. Maximillyan says:

    Juan, I am very glad to our acquaintance in absentia. I would be glad if you can publish your comments on my each videos . Please provide a link to my site: http://www.donguluk.ucoz.ru/ in this comments
    Sincerely, maxim_tuner_bodger from Kazakhstan

  2. Maximillyan says:

    Tuning a piano with mediator (plectrum)

    Loc: KZ
    Tuning a piano with mediator
    I use when tuning of piano with mediator. Such way allows to search for the sounds of the necessary height without shim and laying of the tape. I listen harmonic assonance and intervals

    • Juan says:

      Hello Maximiyan,

      Thanks for your comment and the video. I have watch your video and think you could do with some proper piano tuning training.

      Best regards,
      Juan Olalla

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